Chicano Batman

Kia Forum 2024

Creative Direction
Production Design
Lighting Design
Lighting Programming
Lighting Operation

Chicano Batman is an institution of Los Angeles music, whose impact stretches way beyond the borders of the City of Angels. AllofUs has been collaborating with Chicano Batman since 2018. Each time has been bigger and better than the last, with our creative process moving in complete synchronicity with each other.

AllofUs was excited to continue this creative relationship in 2024 at the world famous Kia Forum. We created a production design that stretched far beyond anything Chicano Batman had done in its storied past.

The main element of this design is the Ojo del Sol (Eye of the Sun). Chicano Batman’s music paints a vivid picture in the mind’s eye. This design is a reflection of their music: Cinematic. Spectacular. Intense. Harmonious. Hopeful. The Eye of the Sun is a portal into the rich universes that their music crafts; into that magical place that only live music can take us, the place that forces us to be present in our shared celebration of life.